Meet Mighty Mole Roll
Mighty Mole Roll
50 mm wide by 20 Metres long with a 25 year warranty
Specifically manufactured to apply onto the top of your decking subframe joists to stop water & moisture getting into your joists and decking.
Simply apply to the top of your joists and any exposed ends.
Our self-sealing, adhesive tape is made from a NON- Butyl massivley strong polymer acrylic adhesive meaning it is completely water-proof, weather proof and UV stable so it will keep its integrity for longer.
Choosing a Non-Butyl tape is particularly important when used on decking subframe joists. Other tapes such as Butyl and Asphalt Tapes can peel, shrink and /or split in certain weather conditions and have also been known to seep up into composite decking creating stains.
This tape is a must to protect and prolong the life of your decking subframe.

UK Joist Tape Supplies
Add up the total number of metres you need , divide by 20 and you will have the number of rolls you need.
Additional Benefits
- Completely SELF SEALS around screws
- Non-Butyl
- Completely UV Stable
- Repositionable
- Easy-to-tear
- Permanent Adhesive Bond For 50 years
- Can Apply to Damp Timber or Below Freezing
- Can overlap and not effect the height of your decking
- Easy to slide boards along taped joists when installing
- 25 Year Warranty
- Because its black it is also a great way to disguise those essential “spacings” you need at the end of your composite decking boards.