
1. Who we are

mightymole.co.uk is a site owned and operated by Mighty Mole Limited.

We are a Private Limited Company registered in England under company number 13765913 with our registered office and main trading address at:

Pye Alley Depot, Pye Alley Lane, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 3AU.

You agree, by using our Site and/or Services that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

2. Privacy Policy & Cookies

Contract execution

Your personal data may be used to provide information, goods and services offered through our website to you in regards to enquiries  billing and order completion.

Cookies & monitoring

A cookie is a tiny file that we may store on your device. Our website uses cookies to distinguish between our website users. Cookies also inform us about how our website is used to help us improve our service.

  • Strictly necessary cookies – Are cookies that are essential to the operation of our website.
  • Analytical/performance cookie – Allow us to identify and calculate the number of visitors to our website.
  • Functionality cookies – Are used to remember you when you return to our website.
  • Targeting Cookies – Register your visit to our website and what you do when you’re with us.

We also monitor traffic to our site and collect:

  • The IP address of your computer.
  • The website that directed you to our website.

This data is collected to improve our website and products and is not shared.

Sharing of personal data

We will only share your personal data with:

  • Other departments and businesses within Mighty Mole Limited.
  • New owners if we sell our business.
  • our agents and service providers.
  • If we are required by law to share information or if action is necessary to prevent fraud, crime or to protect our website, rights, safety of ourselves, employees and/or customers.

We may also share anonymous statistics about our visitors/users with legitimate third parties.

Email newsletter

  • If you sign up for our newsletter we may use your email address to send you information about products or services.
  • You can opt-out of these at any point and you can ask for personal data to stop being recorded at any time.

You have the right to access any personal data we retain or hold regarding you. Requests to access this information are subject to an administration fee.

3. Product Information

mightymole.co.uk provides sales of ‘Mighty Mole’ ground screws and associated items for use in the construction of decking and other structures.

4. Right to cancel

All customers have the right to cancel their orders under UK Distance Selling Regulations which incorporates your rights when shopping online. These include:

• For applicable sales over £43, you have the right to cancel your order up to 14 days after your order is delivered (UK online sales cooling off period).

• You do not need to give a reason for cancelling your order but do need to inform us before returning, that you intend to cancel your order.

• All goods should be returned in their original and unused condition.

• Goods should be returned to our contact address at your own cost (unless they were delivered incorrectly, damaged or not as described.

• Returned goods need to be delivered to us within 14 days of the end of the ‘cooling off’ period.

• We reserve the right to charge (not exceeding our direct costs) if you do not return the goods or return them at our expense.

• Once notified and the returned goods have been received by us, we will refund your payment within 30 days.

5. Notices

All notices sent to us must be via info@mightymole.co.uk. We may send notice to you via the email or postal address you provide to us when making your purchase. (Notice will be regarded received and properly accepted 24 hours after an email is sent or three days after the date of posting of any letter.) Receipt of notice will be sufficiently proven, when/if the letter was correctly addressed, stamped and posted. For email that they were sent to the specified email address within the specified timeframe.

6. Conclusion

These terms follow those set by English law. All contracts for the purchase of goods from our site (or any dispute or claim in connection with these contracts) will also follow those set by English law. By using our services, We both agree that England and Wales legislation and legal proceedings will have non-exclusive jurisdiction.